My Story

photo of edwin ronald lambert

Hi, I’m Edwin 👋

“Hi! In case, we haven’t met: I’m Edwin Ronald Lambert, it’s nice to meet you! Around the vibrant river bends of Kerala, IN, I’m just another local. Imagine a place where the river hums, the sea whispers, and the hills echo back—it’s the kind of place that stamps its postcard on your heart.

Fast forward a bit, and now I’m crafting my new nest on the outskirts of Vancouver, BC. Who would’ve thought, right? The weather’s a bit moody here, but hey, so is my code sometimes. From pazham pori to maple syrup, it’s been quite the ride!

A jack of many trades and a master of fun, I’m all about figuring things out. While my roots are in programming and analysis, my branches are stretching out towards new skies and new adventures.

Life’s unpredictable, sure, but I’m here, making the most of it with a great bunch of folks by my side. And hey, if you’ve got stories or thoughts to share, pull up a chair. Let’s chat.

Thanks for stopping by to explore my little corner of the universe.

Who am I, you ask?

You might be thinking, so many Blah, Blah, Blah! I agree 100% with you.